4 Output files

4.1 Output file names

Format of output file names:

[Project Name].[Identifier].[Format]

-The [Project Name] is user defined name of the project, so every input and output files must start with the [Project Name]. -The [Format] is one of csv or dat. csv is spreadsheet format and dat is bindary format.

The [Identifier] is a combination of variables features, that in format of: [Model Unit][Variable Type][Variable Name]. [Model Unit] is one of three options of ele (elemtns), riv (river) or lak (lake). Variable type includes y, v and q that are state variable (in \(L\)), specific flux (in \(L^3/L^2/T\)) and flux (in \(L^3/T\)) respectively.

The list of output files is in following table.

Identifier Mod unit Type Var Name Meaning Unit
.eleyic. ele y ic Storage of Interception \(m\)
.eleysnow. ele y snow Storage of snow equivalence \(m\)
.eleysurf. ele y surf Storage of surface \(m\)
.eleyunsat. ele y unsat Storage of vados zone \(m\)
.eleygw. ele y gw Groundwater head \(m\) .GW
.elevetp. ele v etp Potential ET \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.eleveta. ele v eta Actual ET \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.elevetic. ele v etic Evap of interception \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.elevettr. ele v ettr Transpiration \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.elevetev. ele v etev Soil Evaporation \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.elevprcp. ele v prcp Precipitation \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.elevnetprcp. ele v netprcp Net Precipitation \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.elevinfil. ele v infil Infiltration Rate \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.elevexfil. ele v infil Exfiltration Rate \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.elevrech. ele v rech Recharge Rate \(\frac{m^3}{m^2 d}\)
.eleqsurf. ele q surf Overland flow \(m^3/d\)
.eleqsub. ele q sub Subsurface flow \(m^3/d\)
.rivystage. riv y stage River Stage \(m\)
.rivqup. riv q up Flux to upstream \(m^3/d\)
.rivqdown. riv q down Flux to downstream \(m^3/d\)
.rivqsurf. riv q surf Flux to landsurface \(m^3/d\)
.rivqsub. riv q sub Flux to subsurface \(m^3/d\)

4.2 Data format in ASCII (.csv) file

N - Number of column of output data, excluding the time column. m - Number of time-step. StartTime - String of date/time (YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDD.hhmmss)

N StartTime
\(T_1\) \(v_{1 \cdot 1}\) \(v_{1 \cdot 2}\) \(v_{1 \cdot N}\)
\(T_2\) \(v_{2 \cdot 1}\) \(v_{2 \cdot 2}\) \(v_{2 \cdot N}\)
\(T_3\) \(v_{3 \cdot 1}\) \(v_{3 \cdot 2}\) \(v_{3 \cdot N}\)
\(T_{m}\) \(v_{m \cdot 1}\) \(v_{m \cdot 2}\) \(v_{m \cdot N}\)

4.3 Data format in binary (.dat) file

The value saved in binary file are identical from ASCII format, but different data structure.

ID \(i\) Value Format Length
1 - \(N\) double 8
2 - StartTime double 8
3 0 \(T_1\) double 8
4 1 \(v_{1 \cdot 1}\) double 8
5 2 \(v_{1 \cdot 2}\) double 8
double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) N \(v_{1 \cdot N}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) 0 \(T_2\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) 1 \(v_{2 \cdot 1}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) 2 \(v_{2 \cdot 2}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) N \(v_{2 \cdot N}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) 0 \(T_3\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) 1 \(v_{3 \cdot 1}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) 2 \(v_{3 \cdot 2}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) N \(v_{3 \cdot N}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) double 8
\((N+1) * (T-1) + i +3\) double 8
\((N+1) * (m-1) + i +3\) 0 \(T_{m}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (m-1) + i +3\) 1 \(v_{m \cdot 1}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (m-1) + i +3\) 2 \(v_{m \cdot 2}\) double 8
\((N+1) * (m-1) + i +3\) double 8
\((N+1) * (m-1) + i +3\) N \(v_{m \cdot N}\) double 8