7 Quick, Reproducible and Automatic hydrological modeling

7.1 Steps of modeling with SHUD

7.1.1 Essential Terrestrial Variables?

  • Atmospheric forcing (precipitation, snow cover, wind, relative humidity, temperature, net radiation, albedo, photosynthetic atmospheric radiation, leaf area index)
  • Digital elevation model (DEM)
  • River/stream discharge
  • Soil (class, hydrologic properties)
  • Groundwater (levels, extent, hydro-geologic properties)
  • Lake/Reservoir (levels, extent)
  • Land cover and land use (biomass, human infrastructure, demography, ecosystem disturbance)
  • Water use

Most data reside on federal servers ….many petabytes.

7.1.2 A-Priori Data Sources

Feature/Time-Series Property Source
Soil Porosity; Sand, Silt, Clay Fractions; Bulk Density CONUS, SSURGO and STATSGO
Geology Bed Rock Depth; Horizontal and Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/topogeo/, http://www.lias.psu.edu/emsl/guides/X.html
Land Cover LAI UMC, LDASmapveg;
Land Cover Manning’s Roughness; Hernandez et. al., 2000
River Manning’s Roughness; Dingman (2002)
River Coefficient of Discharge ModHms Manual (Panday and Huyakorn, 2004)
River Shape and Dimensions; Derived from regression using depth, width, and discharge data from USGS data
River Topology: Nodes, Neighboring cells; Derived using PIHMgis (Bhatt et. al., 2008)
Forcing Prec, Temp. RH, Wind, Rad. National Land Data Assimilation System: NLDAS-2
Topography DEM http://seamless.usgs.gov/
Streamflow http://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/sw
Groundwater http://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/gw

7.2 Workflow of SHUD Modeling System

  1. Prepare raw Essential Terrestrial Variables (ETV)
  2. Convert and crop raw data with the research area boundary.
  3. Build the unstructued modeling domain with SHUDboolbox
  4. Run SHUD on desktop or cluster.
  5. Analysis the SHUD model results with SHUDboolbox or your hydrologic analysis tools.

The workflow of modeling with SHUD Modeling System